The Batman (TV Series 2004 2008)
This animated adventure series of Bruce Wayne, billionaire by day, crime fighter by night, starts as Wayne balances life as a free-wheeling bachelor, with his role as the Caped Crusader. He's joined on occasion by Robin and Batgirl. Black Mask, Killer Moth, the Everywhere Man, and a brand-new Clayfa
Split Second (1992)
In a futuristic London, the rising sea levels mean that large areas are under feet of water. Hauer plays a cop who previously lost his partner to some strange creature. Now the creature is ...
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1988)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1988) Sir Charles Baskerville dies on the moor under mysterious circumstances and rumors abound about a demonic hound. When the American heir arrives to take charge, a family friend calls in Holmes and Watson to get to the heart of the mystery.