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AZMovies - All Reece Thompson

Daydream Nation (201

Daydream Nation (2010)
HD - 6.3

Daydream Nation (2010)


A city girl who moves to a small town and becomes entangled in a love triangle between her high school teacher and a stoner classmate.

Ceremony (2010)

Ceremony (2010)
HD - 5.5

Ceremony (2010)


Ceremony (2010) Sam has roped his friend Marshall into going on a weekend outing. Marshall thinks the trip is about re-establishing their friendship, while Sam has ulterior motives - namely, trying to win back Zoe, a woman he loves. Sam talks his way into getting them invited to a party at a beach h

April Apocalypse (20

April Apocalypse (2013)
HD - 5.0

April Apocalypse (2013)


After years of yearning for the girl next door, Artie finally builds the courage to woo her... only to find out the girl of his dreams and best friend, April, is moving away - sending Artie...

Assassination of a H

Assassination of a High School President (2008)
HD - 6.2

Assassination of a High School President (2008)


Assassination of a High School President (2008) High School. Four of the most important years of your life. But it isn't always dances and keg parties and sucking face in your parents' mini-van. Sometimes it's ugly and hard and complicated. As complicated as a conspiracy to overthrow the president.

Rocket Science (2007

Rocket Science (2007)
HD - 6.6

Rocket Science (2007)


Rocket Science (2007) Coming of age in Plainsboro, New Jersey. High school student Hal Hefner stutters. On the evening his parents stop arguing and separate, 43 miles away at the state tournament, his school's legendary debater, Ben Wekselbaum, goes blank mid-sentence, Ben's teammate Ginny Ryerson d