The Batman (TV Series 2004 2008)
This animated adventure series of Bruce Wayne, billionaire by day, crime fighter by night, starts as Wayne balances life as a free-wheeling bachelor, with his role as the Caped Crusader. He's joined on occasion by Robin and Batgirl. Black Mask, Killer Moth, the Everywhere Man, and a brand-new Clayfa
SpiderMan Unlimited (19992005)
SpiderMan Unlimited (19992005) Covering a shuttle launch to the planet known as Counter-Earth, Peter Parker discovers the symbiote villians, Venom and Carnage, boarding the craft as it launches. When he is unable to stop them as Spider-Man and contact is lost with the shuttle, he is blamed for the d
The Batman vs Dracula 2005
Batman faces off against the original creature of the night, Count Dracula, who has been unintentionally resurrected by the Penguin.
Curious George (2006-2021)
Curious George 2006 2021 Follows the mischievous adventures of a Monkey by the name of George
Curious George: A Halloween Boo Fest (2013)
Curious George: A Halloween Boo Fest (2013) Halloween is almost here and George can't wait for the festivities to begin: carving pumpkins, costume contests, and especially the Annual Boo Festival. Eager to get the festivities started, George and Allie visit Renkins' Farm to pick out the perfect pump
Curious George: A Very Monkey Christmas (2009)
Curious George: A Very Monkey Christmas (2009) George and The Man In The Yellow Hat are having a merry time counting down to Christmas. But neither can decide what to give each other. Will they find the answers before Christmas morning?
Cat Wars Lion Vs Cheetah (2011)
Cat Wars Lion Vs Cheetah 2011 NA